Hello everyone, how are you all doing? I've been on a blogging hiatus lately because I am having problems with my computer. As a blogger, a slow computer can become a big problem. I had it serviced and I was not able to pick it up right away, thus, my time away from blogging. I was told by the ...
The Package is On Its Way
Our package is on its way now to my family overseas. It was picked last Wednesday and we were informed that it will take about 40 days for the box to reach my family in the Philippines. Most of the stuff that are in the box are those items that my parents bought during their vacation here early ...
Our Summer Visitor
It's already summer break here and the kids are getting excited because their paternal grandpa will be visiting them this summer. He'll be spending his 68th birthday here as well. As a gift for his birthday, my hubby is planning to buy a free spirit knee walker online for his dad. We had learned ...
Shopping Time Again?
If you are one of those people who reads all the junk mails that you receive in your mailbox daily especially those catalogues and store coupon flyers, you probably noticed that a lot of stores will be having a big sale this Memorial Day. Isn't that exciting? I already have my eyes set on a tv rack ...
Helping a Friend
Do you know where to order those malleable iron bar knobs? My friend who is remodelling her house wanted to have one of those (actually more than one) but she doesn't know where to buy them. Actually, she mentioned about a website where she found it but she forgot the link. She forgot to bookmark ...
Midweek Updates
How's you week so far? Mine was just so-so. I had a problem with our washer unit last weekend. The laundry hamper is now overflowing and it's becoming an eyesore. Today, the repairman from the appliance repair center came in to fix the unit and I'm glad that it's finally back to normal. Yehey! I ...
DIY Projects For Moms, Anyone?
I've always wanted to try some DIY projects here at home. Recently I bought some stuff from Lowe's for my first project, among which is the carpet cutter which I thought will do other cutting jobs as well (and not just cutting carpets). My first project will be a pop-up photo box. Next week, I will ...