Prior to getting married, I can say that I’ve been a successful careerwoman.
Unbelievable as it may seem, I got offered the job of a chief accountant right after passing the CPA Board Exams when I was 21 years old. After some time, I got tired of the job and wanted to learn something new so I applied at a multi-national company and became a financial analyst. Too much stress in the metropolis made me go back to the slow-paced provincial life where I worked as a provincial accountant of a national government agency. Then I was recruited to work as a chief finance officer of another multi-national shipping agency whose manning agency in the Philippines just caters solely to the needs of their vessels.
Fast forward to the present. I am now a stay at home wife and mother.
I thought losing a career meant losing my financial independence but after discovering the ways to earn online, I am now back to being financially independent. My income is still less than what I was earning when I was still working (way less) but now, I can buy things that I wanted without having to ask for my hubby for money. I can now buy and give him gifts from my own pocket. There are even times when I can even afford to do our groceries, treat my family to a sumptuous meal in a cozy restaurant.
Most of my income came from writing blog posts. I used to accept paid posts that costs $3 per article but now, my paid articles are $15 on the average. I also earned from affiliate commissions and the free stuffs that I receive from reviews can be considered income too (in a way). I am also earning from doing blog designs although that one is more of a hobby and a way to sharpen my mind (I love tweaking codes!).
There are other ways to earn from home. I just focus on earning online because I love the internet as well. Seems like a win-win situation for me.
How about you, do you earn from home too?
Hi Sheryl. Sometimes, we, SAHMs, do wonder if it’s worth exchanging our career for staying at home to take care of our family. IT IS because becoming a mom is the greatest career ever. Thank God because of the internet, it is also possible for SAHMs to earn online from home. So happy that you shared your story as a SAHWM.
Also, thanks for joining SAHB giveaway. Have a nice day!