One of the advantages of the electronic society is that being a stay at home mother need not preclude operating a small business. Sites like Etsy allow crafty or artistically inclined folk to sell small goods out of their own home, taking the hassle out of processing multiple transaction types.
With these online storefronts available, it has become more common for stay at home moms to run a small side business or craft store. The extra money can be saved, used to cover bills and expenses, or even just used as some fun “mad money.”
Not Entirely Perfect
Of course, the work-from-home lifestyle unfortunately means that work and home can become somewhat intermingled. This is of course partially an advantage; there is no need to get a separate workspace and pay for its lease.
However, it also means that one’s home address becomes associated with the business. If you are shipping directly out of your own house, it is not hard for customers to get hold of your mailing details.
Mailbox Privacy
As a solution, many home businesses eventually pick up an address at a mailbox service. They function as expected, mailing parcels and packages. However, they also offer the opportunity to rent box space for incoming mail.
This creates a layer of privacy. The mailbox address can be used as the mailing address for the business, preventing personal details from leaking.
They also tend to provide the parcel and letter mailing services we mentioned previously. This makes them, in essence, a one-stop location for a home business’ “shipping department.”
For example, Mailbox Rentals USA is a mailbox NYC customers can take advantage of to provide a private or business mailbox.
A Useful Tool for the Growing Business
Mailbox services do cost a fee, generally measured in leases of several months. This makes it a better solution for a business that is established and growing. However, there are also personal privacy concerns that make a mailbox useful to just about anyone in this increasingly data-sensitive and tech interconnected world.