Mosquito [Image from Pixabay.com]
Natural Remedies
Many people reach for natural remedies to deal with mosquitoes. This can include cinnamon oil, catnip oil or even soybean oil. The problem with using these oils is that you will still have to coat yourself and you will still need to use these products every time you go outside. Others recommend using and eating garlic, and some even recommend you add garlic powder to your pets’ water dishes. The only real natural remedy to reduce the number of mosquitoes around your house is the removal of any standing water or water sources that might attract those bugs.
Protecting the Barrier
Get rid of the mosquitoes flying around your house with barrier protection. Exterminators and insect control specialists offer products that they or you can spray on the ground to create a barrier between your lawn and the insects wreaking havoc on you. These barriers are an effective way to stop bugs from entering your lawn after seeking out water near neighboring homes. Some exterminators even offer barrier sprays that use natural ingredients. The downside is that you typically need to apply the solution every few days for maximum effectiveness.
Using a Misting System
If you have so many mosquitoes outside your home that you hate even going outside to get in your car, you might consider buying a misting system. A misting system consists of multiple sprayers that sit around your lawn and connect back to a central system. The sprayers release a small amount of liquid on a regular basis that repels and kills those mosquitoes. You can purchase misting systems from online and offline companies like mosquitosquad.com and from some local exterminators. A misting system and barrier protection provide all the help you need to eradicate the mosquitoes taking over your lawn.